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Are you someone that suffers from intractable nausea and are looking to see if you could get access to Delaware medical marijuana for nausea relief? It is understandable that you would consider this option since intractable nausea can be quite debilitating. As you are aware intractable nausea can give you a whole host of symptoms including vomiting, abdominal pain, indigestion, mouthwatering, and more.

The good news that as a Delaware resident you can access medical marijuana for intractable nausea.  If you suffer from chronic nausea and have questions about the possibility of obtaining a Delaware medical marijuana card, the team at Green Relief Health is here to help! Our Patient Care Coordinators can be reached Monday-Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 at 302-564-9994 or by scheduling an appointment here.

What Is Intractable Nausea?

Intractable nausea refers to nausea that is difficult to control. It typically doesn’t lessen with time or additional treatments. Intractable nausea is often accompanied by intractable vomiting, which is simply vomiting that is difficult to control.

This condition is concerning because you can have difficulty keeping foods down. It can make it difficult to stay hydrated and to receive enough nutrition. This in turn can make you feel weak and fatigued.

What Causes Intractable Nausea?

There are many things that can cause intractable nausea including some of the following:

  • Acute gastroenteritis
  • Post-operative nausea
  • Increased intracranial pressure
  • Chemotherapy and other medications
  • Gastric outlet obstruction
  • Gastroparesis
  • Hyperemesis gravidarum
  • Chronic nausea vomiting syndrome

Let’s look at a few of these causes of intractable nausea that are more chronic in nature and could make you a good potential candidate for Delaware medical marijuana for intractable nausea.

Increased Intracranial Pressure

Intracranial pressure (ICP) is the balance between blood, cerebrospinal fluid, and the brain in the skull. If your ICP gets too high, you may start to feel sick. Some common causes of increased ICP include:

  • hydrocephalus (brain swelling)
  • tumor
  • abscess
  • brain infection
  • pseudotumor cerebri

The treatment for ICP depends on the underlying cause. It can include medications to reduce swelling as well as the removal of a tumor or blood clot affecting the brain.

Chemotherapy or Other Medications

While chemotherapy is necessary, it does often have the unfortunate side effect of extreme nausea for many that are receiving this treatment. Doctors will often try to prevent this by prescribing medications to take before, during, and after chemotherapy treatments. However, they may not be effective in reducing symptoms associated with nausea. Other medications that can cause intractable nausea include anti-seizure medications, hormones, opiates, and more.

Chronic Nausea Vomiting Syndrome

With chronic nausea vomiting syndrome, you have chronic vomiting for three months with co-occurring symptoms that include:

  • nausea that occurs once a day
  • vomiting at least once weekly

A doctor will likely rule out other potential causes through an upper endoscopy. This involves inserting a scope down the throat to evaluate the esophagus. If there are no other potential causes, chronic nausea vomiting syndrome may be to blame.

Delaware Medical Marijuana For Intractable Nausea

Research has shown that medical marijuana can help with intractable nausea. When cannabis is consumed, cannabinoids interact with a system in our bodies called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Throughout the ECS, we have receptors, specifically CB1 receptors, that are involved in the regulation of nausea, food intake and emesis. When THC interacts with the CB1 receptors, it can help reduce nausea and vomiting.

Can I Get A Medical Card For Intractable Nausea In Delaware?

Yes, you can absolutely get a medical card for intractable nausea in Delaware. The state of Delaware has 14 medical conditions that are specifically outlined in the law that a patient can qualify for to get a Delaware medical card. One of those specifically outlined conditions is intractable nausea. To qualify for a medical card because of nausea you will need to be able to document this intractable nausea.

A patient can document their nausea through their medical history. You will need to be able to show that in your medical history you have been seen by a provider for this nausea. Inside of your medical history there will be notes that your provider has made to document the existence of this intractable nausea. It is also important to remember that typically a chronic condition is anything over three months in duration.

Getting Your Delaware Medical Card For Intractable Nausea

Once it has been determined that you have a qualifying condition for medical marijuana in Delaware like intractable nausea, the process to get your medical card is relatively simple. You will meet with a certified provider to go over your medical history and qualifying condition. If the provider finds that you meet the qualifying criteria the provider is, then able to submit a certification to the state of Delaware.

After your doctor’s visit there is still one step to go to qualify for a Delaware medical marijuana card. You will then need to submit an application to the state of Delaware to verify your residency in the state. In addition, you will sign a form to release your medical information to the state of Delaware which is a part of the approval process. This process can either be done online or through the mail. There is a $50 application fee to submit this application to the state of Delaware, which is important to keep in mind.

Visiting A Compassion Center

The final step in the process of obtaining medical cannabis in Delaware is to visit a compassion center. Now that you are a certified medical cannabis patient, you can visit a compassion center to obtain medical marijuana products. The state of Delaware has compassion centers located throughout the state. You are not required to go to any one compassion center but can go to whichever compassion center you would like. When you arrive at the compassion center you will have to show your Delaware medical cannabis card to purchase products. Compassion centers typically have very friendly and helpful staff that can walk you through the process and make recommendations on products that would work best for you.

How Can Green Relief Health Help?

If you’re curious about whether you may qualify for a Delaware medical marijuana card for intractable nausea, reach out to us today! If you’d like to speak with a Green Relief Health team member, you may contact our office Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. On our website you can also find a large selection of educational blogs, an FAQ page with answers to frequently asked questions, and our own line of hemp-derived CBD that’s recommended by physicians!


Ryan Nawrocki